Terms of Use
By visiting our site and / or registering, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (”Terms of Use”). These Terms of Use apply to all users of the site. Please read the Terms of Use carefully before using our site. By using any part of the site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, then you may not use the website.
1. General Rules
Help other members! Share the information with others.
Be patient! Be nice, particularly with the new members and the beginner PC users who are not always in the picture.
Please be understanding to the others. Not everyone shares the same point of view and that's all right.
You can report violation using the Report button. Instead of quarrelling please report the violation. Let the moderators do their job.
Following actions are not allowed on the site:
Behaving aggressively, abusing and threatening is prohibited.
Sharing vulgar, unprintable words and phrases is not allowed.
Hate speech and stirring up hatred is prohibited. Sharing extremist, religious point of views which are offensive to groups of people is also prohibited.
Sharing contents which are provocative and inappropriate for a community site is prohibited.
Sharing adult material and images that contain nudity is not allowed since people under the age of 18 can also visit the site. Sharing the following is also prohibited: strategically covered nudity, sheer clothing, obscene or provocative poses and close shots that contain female nipples, bottoms and loins.
Spamming, advertising, and sharing unambigously business advertisements is prohibited. Advertising and posting links to other websites which deal with system requirements is not allowed.
Sharing or asking for warez is not allowed. Your comment may not include links to warez, crack and torrent sites, neither their names nor a torrent release name and a warez group's name. Your comment may not include any help how to use the crack not even by means of text, link, image or video.
Posting a spoiler without Spoiler BB code is not allowed, since it can reveal details about gameplay and hereby it may influence the gaming experience.
Sharing and spreading fake news and false information is prohibited.
Revealing a third person's personal information is prohibited (for example name, domicile, telephone number, email address).
2. Profile and User Content
The username can have a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 19 characters.
The username cannot contain:
- vulgar, unprintable words and phrases
- website's name or link, email address
- it cannot be deceptive (for example, admin, moderator, sysop, and the like)
- insulting, provocative words and phrases, politician, celebrity names and the variations of them
After registering and/or changing the username, it can be changed again after one year.
Filling out the profile form with pointless, unnecessary data is prohibited. If you do not want to give information about you, just leave it empty.
The user is responsible for the authenticity and timeliness of email address given. If your email address changes after registering, you have to add the new one (for instance, if you forget your password, you will not be able to ask for a new one).
The site's owner is not responsible for usernames and/or passwords that lost by users.
After a month we can delete the profile of a user who registered but never logged in. We may notify the user via email who has not logged in for 6 months. We can delete the profile and contents that belong to a user who has not logged in more than 3 years.
We fulfill the profile deletion within 72 hours following the request. By deleting the profile, all the user contents that belong to the profile will be deleted permanently.
Do not use other member's avatar! (In the case of same avatars, please try to agree.)
The user who you blocked:
- Cannot comment on your contents (profile, device, forum thread etc.).
- Cannot send you a private message.
- Cannot reply to your comments.
- Cannot enter the giveaway sponsored by you.
The member will be unblocked within 72 hours after the withdrawal.
The administrator can check the private messages reported to be offending.
The user is responsible for filling out the device's data with proper information. Results of comparisons are approximate. The site's owners will not be responsible for damages due to faulty results.
3. Forum and Comment Rules
Comments written more than 12 hours cannot be edited but deleted. The comment can have a maximum of 5000 characters.
Please pay attention to post your comment in the appropriate thread.
Do not post comment repeatedly. We may remove empty posts or doubly posted comments. Do not crossposting, ask your question only in one forum thread.
Comments that contain spoiler BB code used without reason can be deleted.
Do not quote repeatedly.
Comments that contain an affiliate link will be deleted.
Try to avoid posting one word comments or comments containing only smilies. We can delete comments that contain less than 3 characters.
Please do not write in capital letters since it means you are shouting. (Flame) Do not use too much question marks (?) or exclamation marks (!).
Do not post off-topic content. We can remove these posts.
We may delete comments that contain images larger than 2 MB.
We can delete comments that refer to the number of the comment.
We delete comments related to the use of ad blocking.
If the source of your comment's embedded content is deleted (for example, image, video), then please delete your post. In this case, we can remove your post, too.
Your post cannot include references of URL shorter or hider sites.
We remove comments that contain unprintable words and phrases.
We may remove comments that contain BB codes used wrongly. We can make an attempt to restore BB codes and links have been used wrongly.
The comments are censored automatically. We substitute the undesirable contents and expressions for ***. Comments trying to cheat the automatic censor will be deleted.
Forum threads
Certain forum threads can have special rules. Please take them into consideration when you post your comment.
Start a new thread if and only if there is no such a thread in the forum yet. If it already exists, then the new one will be deleted.
Give a concise, accurate thread title. Choose a title appropriate to the content of the thread. We can rename the title of the thread.
The thread will be deleted if the content of the thread does not fit in with the site's profile or it contains peculiar views in which the site does not take sides or it does not require a different forum thread.
4. User points, levels
Point values for different actions:
Logging in: 3 points / day
Posting 1 comment: 1 point
Marking 1 game: 1 point
Five ratings (percentage): 1 point
Writing a brief review: 5 points / 500 characters
Offering prize: 10 points / prize
Warning: -1000 points
Patron Tier 1: 50 points / month
Patron Tier 2: 150 points / month
Patron Tier 3: 250 points / month
Purchasing T-shirt: 200 points
Writing game review: 60 points
Levels and points:
Level 1: 0 - 250 points
Level 2: 250 - 500 points
Level 3: 500 - 750 points
Level 4: 750 - 1000 points
The points are refreshed at 20 minutes intervals in the Progression section. The points are calculated on the basis of the system's current contents. For instance, if a forum thread is deleted in which there were some of your comments, these will be deleted, too. So, your points decrease as much as that.
5. Moderation
Ignoring the warning received or provoking it, will result in a ban.
The user who violates the Terms of Use seriously or gets 4 warnings, will be banned or we may delete the user's profile. The new profile of a user who is banned and registered again will be banned immediately.
The warnings will lapse after 20 days.
Warnings entail the following punishments:
- withdrawing the right to post comment or send private message for a period of 24 hours
- withdrawing the right to enter giveaways for a period of 20 days
The users can moderate the comments that belong to the contents created by oneself.
There is also a communal moderation on the site which is available for users at a minimum level of 5:
A reported comment will be hidden if it is reported by 5 users.
The reported profile will be suspended if it is reported by 7 users.
Comments and profiles moderated temporarily by the community will be reviewed in each case.
Special rules can refer to certain parts of the site which are indicated at the given parts.
Signs and abbreviations:

We always publish news on the changes of Terms of Use.
2021. November 19.
System Requirements