Klei Entertainment

Dread Pilots
Release date: 2026. (PC)
Genre: Action, Role-playing game, Roguelike
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action, Role-playing game, Roguelike
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Release date: 2024. April 24. (PC)
Genre: Action, Role-playing game
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action, Role-playing game
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Hot Lava
Release date: 2019. September 19. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Release date: 2019. July 11. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Role-playing game, Card game
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Adventure, Role-playing game, Card game
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Mark of the Ninja: Remastered
Release date: 2018. October 09. (PC)
Genre: Action, Platformer, Stealth
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action, Platformer, Stealth
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Oxygen Not Included
Release date: 2017. May 18. (PC)
Genre: Simulation
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Simulation
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Don't Starve Together
Release date: 2016. April 21. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Survival
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action, Adventure, Survival
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Invisible, Inc.
Release date: 2015. May 12. (PC)
Genre: Strategy, Stealth, Turn-based tactics
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Strategy, Stealth, Turn-based tactics
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Crypt of the NecroDancer
Release date: 2014. July 30. (PC)
Genre: Action, Role-playing game
Developer: Brace Yourself Games
Genre: Action, Role-playing game
Developer: Brace Yourself Games

Don't Starve
Release date: 2013. April 23. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Mark of the Ninja
Release date: 2012. October 16. (PC)
Genre: Action, Platformer, Stealth
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action, Platformer, Stealth
Developer: Klei Entertainment

Shank 2
Release date: 2012. February 07. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Beat 'em up
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action, Adventure, Beat 'em up
Developer: Klei Entertainment