#227182 (Desktop PC)
Processor: | AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHz (8-core) |
Memory: | 8GB G.Skill 2033 MHz |
Videocard: | Zotac GTX 1050 ti (4 GB) |
Op. system: | Windows 10 64-bit |
Motherboard: | ASRock 970A-G/3.1 |
Store device: | Western Digital 1TB |
PC Case: | Thermaltake Versa N21 "Snow Edition" |
Power supply: | Thermaltake 430W |
Monitor: | Magnavox 42" HDTV (1080p) |
Keyboard: | iMicro Rainbow Backlit USB Keyboard |
Mouse: | Razer Mamba rechargeable USB (6400 dpi) |
Refreshed: 2017. 05. 15. |
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