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28 years old

Lapos Erőmű (Desktop PC)

Processor:Intel® Core™ i5-3230M Processzor
Memory:1600Mhz DDR3
Videocard:NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
Op. system:Windows 8.1
Motherboard:ASUS X75VB TY057D laptop alaplap
Store device:1TB ASUS X75VB TY057D laptop merevlemez
Soundcard:ASUS X75VB TY057D laptop integrált
Optical driver:ASUS X75VB TY057D laptop DVD Super Multi meghajtó
PC Case:ASUS X75VB TY057D laptop
Power supply:6 cellás ASUS X75VB TY057D laptop aksi
Monitor:ASUS X75VB TY057D laptop 17"
Keyboard:ASUS X75VB TY057D laptop
Mouse:Sharkoon FireGlider Black
Refreshed: 2014. 08. 05.
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