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50 years old, male

#240895 (Desktop PC)

Processor:Amd Phenom II x4 810 2600 Mhz
Memory:6GB DDR2 800mHZ
Videocard:Geforce Gtx 650 Ti boost 2Gb DDR5
Op. system:Windovs 7 64 bit
Motherboard:Gigabyte GA-M68M-S2P v1
Store device:1. meghajtó - Hitachi HDS721616PLAT80 (149 GB)+2. meghajtó - SAMSUNG HD502HJ (465 GB)
Soundcard:ATI Radeon HDMI @ ATI Cedar/Park/Robson - High Definition Audio Controller
Optical driver:PIONEER DVD-ROM DVD-106 ATA Device
In use:2009. 04. -
Refreshed: 2019. 09. 21.
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