Kemboy1 (Desktop PC)
Processor: | AMD FX-4300 BOKSZ |
Memory: | DDR3 4GB 1600MHz Kingmax |
Videocard: | SAPPHIRE PCIE R7 250 1GB DDR5 |
Op. system: | Windows 7 64bit |
Motherboard: | GIGABYTE 970A-DS3P |
Store device: | HDD WD 1TB 64MB SATA-III/600 AV-GP WD10EURX |
PC Case: | GIGABYTE GZ-PD Plus |
Power supply: | ZALMAN ZM400-LE 400W |
Monitor: | LG 24MT47D-PZ 24” |
Refreshed: 2016. 02. 21. |
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