My Pc (Desktop PC)
Processor: | AMD A6-5400K APU With Radeon(tm) HD GRAPHICS |
Memory: | 8 Gbs of ram |
Videocard: | AMD RADEON HD 6570 |
Op. system: | Windows 10 64 Bit |
Motherboard: | Serial Number 4CE2380YMQ |
Store device: | 1 Tb hard drive |
Soundcard: | AMD High Definition audio device |
Optical driver: | HP CDDVDW SH-216BB |
PC Case: | P6-2316C PC |
Power supply: | 300 WAT |
Monitor: | HP 2711x |
Keyboard: | Rock candy wireless keyboard |
Mouse: | Rock candy wireless mouse |
Refreshed: 2016. 10. 26. |
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