A leg elso (Desktop PC)
Processor: | AMD sempron(tm) Processor 3400+ |
Memory: | KLCC28F-A8KI5 |
Videocard: | NVIDIA® GeForce 7025 |
Op. system: | Ultimate |
Motherboard: | N68C-S UCC |
Store device: | MAXTOR STM38215AS |
Soundcard: | DirectX 11.0 |
Optical driver: | NVIDIA GeForce 6100 nForce 405 |
PC Case: | AMD Sempron |
Monitor: | Dell D1025HE |
Keyboard: | Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft natural PS/2 Keyboard |
Mouse: | HID-compliant mouse |
Refreshed: 2014. 08. 31. |
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