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Saját gép (Desktop PC)

Processor:TripleCore AMD Athlon II X3 450, 3200 MHzaaa
Memory:4096 MB (DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM)
Videocard:NVidia GTS 450
Op. system:Windows 7 Ultimate
Motherboard:Asrock 980DE3/U3S3
Store device:1397.2 GB
Soundcard:ATI Radeon HDMI @ High Definition Audio hangvezérlő [1002-AA90] [NoDB]
Optical driver:ST315003 41AS SATA Disk Device (1500 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA-II)
PC Case:síma
Power supply:500 w
Monitor:Asus VH222 [22" LCD] (B1LMTF138577)
Keyboard:HID billentyűzet
Mouse:Gigabyte alap egér
Refreshed: 2017. 10. 01.
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