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Roland (Polesz)
30 years old, male

Evolved (Desktop PC)

Processor:i7-3930k 4Ghz
Memory:DDR3 Hyper X 16gb (4x4)
Videocard:EVGA Gtx 1070
Op. system:Win 10 Pro
Motherboard:Asus Rog x79 RAMPAGE IV FORMULA
Store device:WD Blue 1tb +Samsung 850 evo 500gb
PC Case:Zalman Z1 Neo
Power supply:Sea Sonic 500w
Monitor:Benq Gw2470
Keyboard:Hama bullshit :D
Mouse:Logitech g900
Others:Be Quiet Dark Rock Pro 3
In use:2017. 12. -
Refreshed: 2018. 11. 20.
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