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Norby (remixboy)
31 years old, male
Komárom, Hungary

HP Compaq DC7700p (Rossz) (Desktop PC)

Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2400Mhz 4MB Cache (2 cores 2 threads)
Memory:Kingston 2GB DDR3 800Mhz
Videocard:Intel Q965
Op. system:Windows 7 Home Edition SP1 32bit
Motherboard:HP 0A54h
Store device:Western Digital WD1600AAJS 160GB
Soundcard:High Definition Audio
Optical driver:TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353B
PC Case:HP Compaq DC7700p
Power supply:HP 403778-001 240W
Keyboard:CONNECT IT CI-81
Changelog:- GPU hibás
Refreshed: 2022. 09. 08.
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