Genre: Platformer
Most popular

Release date: 2019. September 10. (PC)
Genre: Action, Platformer, Souls-like, Metroidvania
Developer: The Game Kitchen
Genre: Action, Platformer, Souls-like, Metroidvania
Developer: The Game Kitchen

Mirror's Edge
Release date: 2009. January 12. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: DICE
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: DICE

Portal 2
Release date: 2011. April 20. (PC)
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Valve
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Valve

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake
Release date: 2026. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal

Shadow Labyrinth
Release date: 2025. (PC)
Genre: Action, Platformer
Developer: Bandai Namco Studios
Genre: Action, Platformer
Developer: Bandai Namco Studios

Little Nightmares III
Release date: 2025. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Supermassive Games
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Supermassive Games
Games with highest ratings

Ori and the Blind Forest
Release date: 2015. March 11. (PC)
Genre: Action, Platformer
Developer: Moon Studios
Genre: Action, Platformer
Developer: Moon Studios

Release date: 2012. August 01. (PC)
Genre: MOBA, Platformer
Developer: Ronimo Games
Genre: MOBA, Platformer
Developer: Ronimo Games

Super Meat Boy
Release date: 2010. November 30. (PC)
Genre: Platformer
Developer: Team Meat
Genre: Platformer
Developer: Team Meat
All (A-Z)

Ultimate Chicken Horse
Release date: 2016. March 04. (PC)
Genre: Action, Platformer, Casual
Developer: Clever Endeavour Games
Genre: Action, Platformer, Casual
Developer: Clever Endeavour Games

Release date: 2024. February 13. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Metroidvania
Developer: Hadoque
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Metroidvania
Developer: Hadoque

Unbound: Worlds Apart
Release date: 2021. July 28. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Alien Pixel Studios
Genre: Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Alien Pixel Studios

Release date: 2014. July 25. (PC)
Genre: Action, Role-playing game, Platformer
Developer: @unepic_fran
Genre: Action, Role-playing game, Platformer
Developer: @unepic_fran

Unit 4
Release date: 2017. May 24. (PC)
Genre: Action, Platformer
Developer: Gamera Interactive
Genre: Action, Platformer
Developer: Gamera Interactive

Release date: 2016. February 09. (PC)
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Coldwood Interactive
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Coldwood Interactive

Unravel Two
Release date: 2018. June 09. (PC)
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Coldwood Interactive
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Coldwood Interactive

Unruly Heroes
Release date: 2019. January 23. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Magic Design Studios
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Magic Design Studios

Release date: 2019. October 10. (PC)
Genre: Action, Platformer
Developer: Steel Mantis
Genre: Action, Platformer
Developer: Steel Mantis

Valiant Hearts: Coming Home
Release date: 2024. May 24. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Ubisoft Da Nang
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Ubisoft Da Nang

Release date: 2023. July 18. (PC)
Genre: Platformer, First-person, Puzzle
Developer: Sad Owl Studios
Genre: Platformer, First-person, Puzzle
Developer: Sad Owl Studios

Visual Out
Release date: 2018. March 15. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: MadameBerry Games
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: MadameBerry Games

Voodoo Vince: Remastered
Release date: 2017. April 18. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Beep Games
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Beep Games

Release date: 2018. September 27. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Music
Developer: A Shell in the Pit, Greg Lobanov
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Music
Developer: A Shell in the Pit, Greg Lobanov

Warhammer 40000: Shootas, Blood & Teef
Release date: 2022. October 20. (PC)
Genre: Action, Platformer, Shoot 'em up
Developer: Rogueside
Genre: Action, Platformer, Shoot 'em up
Developer: Rogueside

Release date: 2020. April 28. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Not Yet
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Not Yet

Release date: 2015. May 05. (PC)
Genre: Action, Role-playing game, Platformer, MMO
Developer: Kraken Games
Genre: Action, Role-playing game, Platformer, MMO
Developer: Kraken Games

Release date: 2022. December 12. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Thunderful Development
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Thunderful Development

Welkin Road
Release date: 2016. April 13. (PC)
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Gregor Panič
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Gregor Panič

Release date: 2018. October 18. (PC)
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Dilemmastudio
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Dilemmastudio

White Shadows
Release date: 2021. December 07. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Monokel
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Monokel

Release date: 2020. May 26. (PC)
Genre: Platformer, Stealth
Developer: Sneaky Bastards
Genre: Platformer, Stealth
Developer: Sneaky Bastards

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Release date: 2017. June 08. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Lizardcube
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Lizardcube

World of One
Release date: 2017. June 08. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Grimwood Team
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Grimwood Team

Release date: 2023. November 21. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Noname Studios
Genre: Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Noname Studios

Wuppo: Breft Festival (Forever)
Release date: TBA
Genre: Platformer
Developer: Knuist & Perzik
Genre: Platformer
Developer: Knuist & Perzik

Yoku's Island Express
Release date: 2018. May 29. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Pinball, Platformer
Developer: Villa Gorilla
Genre: Adventure, Pinball, Platformer
Developer: Villa Gorilla

Release date: 2017. April 11. (PC)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Playtonic
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Playtonic

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Release date: 2019. October 08. (PC)
Genre: Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Playtonic
Genre: Adventure, Platformer
Developer: Playtonic

Zero Zero Zero Zero
Release date: TBA
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Alvarop Games, Ratalaika Games
Genre: Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Alvarop Games, Ratalaika Games