Level: 3
member for: 14 years, offline
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30 years old, male
Martfű, Hungary

Andor94 (Desktop PC)

Processor:Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3440 @ 3.30 GHz
Memory:4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz
Videocard:AMD Radeon R7 240
Op. system:Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise
Motherboard:ASUS H81M-A alaplap USB 3.0 SATA-3 PCI-E 2.0
Store device:1TB 7200 rpm merevlemez
Soundcard:AMD High Definition Audo Device
Optical driver:DTSOFT Virtual CdRom Device
PC Case:Modecom Step 507 ház
Power supply:500W
Monitor:Általános PnP képernyő
Keyboard:HID billyentyűzet eszköz
Mouse:HID kompatibilis egér
Refreshed: 2016. 07. 28.
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