Windows XP Professional 32-bit Szervizcsomag 3 (Desktop PC)
Processor: | Intel Pentium D 925 Presler 65nm technológia |
Memory: | 2,00GB Szimpla-csatorna DDR2 @ 266MHz (4-4-4-12) |
Videocard: | DELL 1702FP on ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series |
Op. system: | Windows XP Professional 32-bit Szervizcsomag 3 |
Motherboard: | Dell Inc. 0MH651 (Microprocessor) |
Store device: | 149GB Seagate ST3160812AS (SATA) |
Soundcard: | SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio |
Optical driver: | HL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4521B DTSOFT Virtual CdRom Device |
Monitor: | dell |
Refreshed: 2015. 10. 07. |
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