Level: 1
member for: 9 years, offline
Horváth István (Isi)
27 years old, male
Nyíregyháza, Hungary

Mostani gépem (Desktop PC)

Processor:Dual Core Intel Pentium E2220 2x2.4 GHz
Memory:Kingmax KLDE88F-B8MO5
Videocard:Nvidia Geforce GT 730 DDR3
Op. system:Windows 7 32 bit
Motherboard:ASrock G31M-S
Store device:Hitachi HDP725050GLA360 ATA Device 500 gb
Soundcard:Realtek ALC662
Optical driver:TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223F ATA Device
PC Case:Fogalmam nincs
Power supply:Fogalmam nincs
Monitor:Asus VW223
Keyboard:Szabványos PS/2 billentyűzet
Mouse:Microsoft PS/2 egér
Others:No way
Refreshed: 2017. 04. 04.
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