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member for: 10 years, offline
27 years old, male
Ceglédbercel, Hungary

I7 2019 (Desktop PC)

Processor:Intel Core I7 2600K
Memory:2x2 GB Crucial 1600 MHz DDR3 2x2 GB Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz DDR3
Videocard:XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS (8 GB)
Op. system:Windows 10 Home x64
Motherboard:Asrock Z68 Extreme 3 Gen3
Store device:Seagate ST500DM002 (7200RPM, 16MB Cache, SATA2)
Optical driver:Nincs
PC Case:Cooler Master Elite 335U
Power supply:FSP Hyper K 500W 80+
In use:2019. 11. -
Refreshed: 2019. 11. 15.
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