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Varga Gábor (Gaben)
30 years old, male
Szolnok, Hungary

Új (Desktop PC)

Processor:AMD FX 4-Core FX-4100 (4x3.6GHz)
Memory:Samsung 2x4gb
Videocard:Gigabyte GV-N65TOC-2GI GTX650 Ti 2GB DDR5 PCIExpress
Motherboard:ASUS M5A78L LE
Store device:910gb full
Optical driver:Atapi Lite-On Ihas 124b / samsung
PC Case:XDL Happy-31B
Power supply:M-Tech 500W
Monitor:Samsung SyncMaster 710n
Mouse:Trust GXT 31
Refreshed: 2013. 08. 21.
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