Régi gép 2003 - 2005 (Desktop PC)
Processor: | AMD Athlon 64 2200+ 1800Mhz Palomino + Titan s370 cpu hűtő |
Memory: | 256mb DDR PC2100 266Mhz + Elixir 512mb DDR pc2100 400Mhz |
Videocard: | apphire ATI Radeon 9200SE 128mb |
Op. system: | Win XP |
Motherboard: | Asus s462 Nforce2 AGP 8x DDR400 |
Store device: | Maxtor 80Gb IDE 7200Rpm |
Soundcard: | Creative Sound Blaster Live 5.1 + Creative SI HSZ Inspire 5100 5.1 hangfal |
Optical driver: | LG CD-író DVD olvasó (Combo) 52/24/52x + 16x |
PC Case: | Codegen Midi 4*5,25 P4 |
Power supply: | Codegen 300W |
Monitor: | LG crt 14" |
Keyboard: | Logitech |
Mouse: | Logitech |
In use: | 2003. 01. - 2005. 01. |
Refreshed: 2020. 03. 15. |
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