#342920 (Desktop PC)
Processor: | Intel Core I5-10600 3.3GHz/12MB/2666Mhz /6mag/ s1200 |
Memory: | 8GB DDR4 2666Mhz memória |
Videocard: | nVidia GeForce GTX1650 SUPER OC 4GB GDDR5 |
Motherboard: | Gigabyte B460M DS3H (4db DDR4, 6db SATA3, 2db USB2.0, 4db USB3.1, D-SUB, DVI, HDMI, LAN, HANG) |
Store device: | 1TB SATAIII 7200rpm 64MB cache |
Optical driver: | LG 22x CD-DVD író |
PC Case: | Zalman Z1 Neo (előlapi 1db USB3.0 2db USB2.0 és audio kimenet, kék LED venti) |
Power supply: | 600W halk 12cm cooler PFC! |
Refreshed: 2021. 04. 15. |
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