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Szalai Attila (Gerzson)
32 years old, male
Sitke, Hungary

Acer Aspire 5542G volt laptopom (Laptop)

Processor:AMD Turion II Mobile Ultra Dual-Core Processor M600 2.4GHz
Memory:Samsung 2x2GB 667MHz DDR2
Videocard:ATI Mobility Radeon HD4570 512MB DDR2 128-bit
Op. system:Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
Motherboard:Acer Aspire 5542G
Store device:Western Digital Blue 500GB 5400RPM SATA2
Soundcard:Realtek High Definition Audio
Optical driver:DVD/RW SATA
Monitor:15.6" LED
Refreshed: 2023. 01. 01.
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