ócsakavas (Desktop PC)
Processor: | AMD Phenom X4 9650 |
Memory: | 2*Kingmax KLDE88F-B8MO5 |
Videocard: | Gigabyt GF GT440 |
Op. system: | Windows 7 64bit |
Motherboard: | Asrock AliveNF6p-vsta |
Store device: | MAXTOR S TM380215AS SCSI Disk Device ,MAXTOR STM3802110A |
Soundcard: | Creative Audigy FX Sound Card |
Optical driver: | LG |
PC Case: | asd |
Power supply: | Cooler Master rs500-psap-j3 |
Monitor: | Philips 190WV |
Keyboard: | A4tech KD-600L |
Mouse: | A4tech XL-750BK |
Others: | SuperMulti Rack, Xilence COO-XPCPU , |
Refreshed: 2017. 03. 09. |
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