Level: 1
member for: 8 years, offline
Jeffre1977 (Jeffre)
48 years old, male
Mór, Hungary


Jeffre1977 plays the following games nowadays (7):

Star Wars Battlefront (2015)Grand Theft Auto VThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntTom Clancy's The DivisionCall of Duty: Black Ops IIIFallout 4Far Cry Primal

Jeffre1977 is interested in the following games and will play them (3):

DOOM (2016)Forza Motorsport 6: ApexCall of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Jeffre1977 has already played the following games (7):

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six SiegeCrysis 3Dying LightFar Cry 4Mortal Kombat XNeed For Speed (2015)Rocket League

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