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#59105 (Desktop PC)

Processor:Intel Pentium E5800 (3,2GHz/2MB/800MHz) (s775)
Memory:Kingmax 4GB 1333MHz DDR3 RAM
Videocard:Asus Radeon HD 6770 DC 1GB GDDR5, 128bit, DVI, HDMI, D-sub (PCIe)
Motherboard:Asus P5G41T-M LX alaplap
Store device:Samsung 1000GB Serial-ATA 2.0 5400rpm EcoGreen winchester (32MB cache)
Soundcard:Genius 6
Optical driver:LG BH10LS38RBB Blu-Ray SATA SuperMulti DVD-író, OEM
PC Case:Codegen QM102-CA mATX ház, 400W
Power supply:FSP Aurum PRO 1000W ATX/EATX tápegység, BOX, 80+
Monitor:Samsung 24" S24A650D Wide LED DVI Display port monitor
Keyboard:Szabványos PS/2 billentyűzet
Mouse:Razer Orochi
Refreshed: 2012. 06. 10.
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