kisFred (Desktop PC)
Processor: | Ryzen 5 3600X |
Memory: | Kingston HyperX Predator 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 3200MHz HX432C16PB3K2/16 |
Videocard: | ROG-STRIX-GTX1080TI-O11G-GAMING |
Op. system: | Windows 10 64bit |
Motherboard: | ASUS ROG STRIX B450-F GAMING |
Store device: | Western Digital Caviar Blue | WD10EZEX-22MFCA0 |
PC Case: | Zalman Z3 PLus |
Power supply: | EVGA SuperNOVA 650 G+ |
Refreshed: 2021. 08. 30. |
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