Mine (Desktop PC)
Processor: | Ryzen 7 5700x |
Memory: | Corsair vengeance LPX DDR4 8 GB Ram |
Videocard: | AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT 8 GB |
Op. system: | Windows 11 (64) bit |
Motherboard: | MSI B450 M-A Pro Max 2 |
Store device: | HP EX900 Plus 512 GB NVMe SSD |
PC Case: | Pc power wind fury mesh WH mid tower ATX gaming casing |
Power supply: | Gigabyte P450B 450W 80+ Bronze rated power supply |
Monitor: | Dahua LM22 C301 PL series |
Keyboard: | Aula wind RGB keyboard |
Mouse: | Aula wind RGB mouse |
In use: | 2024. 11. - 2024. 11. |
Refreshed: 2024. 11. 28. |
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