uj pc (Desktop PC)
Processor: | CPU LGA1150 Intel® Core™ i5-4460, BOX 22nm 3.2GHz |
Memory: | DDR3 8GB |
Videocard: | AMD Radeon RX470 Asus 4GB DDR5, DVI/DP/256bit/STRIX-RX470-O4G-GAMING |
Op. system: | Windows 7 64 bit |
Motherboard: | MB LGA1150 H81, PCIe/DDR3/SATA3/GLAN/7.1 |
Store device: | SSD 120GB + HDD 1000GB |
Optical driver: | DVD+/-RW / SATA/ black, 24XDVD/16xDVD-RAM |
Power supply: | 500W Active PFC/12cm Fan |
Refreshed: 2017. 02. 20. |
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