Microsoft windows 7 Professional (Desktop PC)
Processor: | Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7400 |
Videocard: | ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series |
Op. system: | Windows 7 Professional |
Motherboard: | ASRock G31M-GS |
Soundcard: | ATI Radeon HDMI @ ATI RV710/730/740 Realtek ALC622 @ Intel 82801GB ICH7 |
Optical driver: | DTSOFT Virtual CdRom Device PHILIPS SPD2412T ATA Device |
Monitor: | Samsung SyncMaster 713N |
Keyboard: | Logitech K120 |
Mouse: | Trust EasyClick 16535 |
Others: | Genius SP HF 365B Hangfal Logitech RumblePad F310 940-000111 gamepad |
Refreshed: 2014. 08. 25. |
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