Destiny 2 is coming to PC
by SamX | 2017. March 30. | news | 1 hozzászólás
Finally it's confirmed, Destiny 2 is coming to PC! Over on Destiny's official website, PC is a selectable platform to pre-order on. So there's can't be anymore doubts.
Few days ago Bungie (the developers) revealed Destiny 2 by posting this picture on Twitter:

Then, a teaser was released to give an edge of what is to come.
Now, on March 30, the worldwide reveal trailer is live! Watch it below:
Destiny's official Twitter account announced the gameplay premiere live-stream will be held on May 18.
"Tune in for the Destiny 2 Gameplay Premiere Livestream Event on May 18." - Destiny The Game (@DestinyTheGame)
The game is scheduled to release on September 8. Will you play it on day one? Did you play the previous game? Let us know in the comments.

Destiny 2
Release date: 2017. October 24. (PC)
Genre: Action, FPS, MMO
Developer: Bungie
Genre: Action, FPS, MMO
Developer: Bungie
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8 years ago | 2017. 03. 30. 18:20:31This is exciting! 😃