Yeah I really like so much the Ultra Instinct specially on the complete Form of it, its really good the white-ish Hair.
Me too I'm very excited for the final Clash 😃
I think he will appear in the last seconds of the Tournament and make an incredible Thing 😀
Goku's (presumably) final form is amazing! I really like the idea of white-ish hair. I always wanted to see a white haired form of Goku. I'm very excited for the final clash of Goku and Jiren.
Happy New Year for you also 😃!!
Happy new year also 😃!!!
Did you play anything other than Rainbow Six lately? I just concentrated on CSGO. 😆
How are you ! 😲
For Sure Goku will win 😃 Goku Always 😎
Nevermind that. Who do you think will win between Goku and Jiren? I'm taking Jiren's side as always. 😎
Me too I'm very excited for the final Clash 😃
I think he will appear in the last seconds of the Tournament and make an incredible Thing 😀
Goku's (presumably) final form is amazing! I really like the idea of white-ish hair. I always wanted to see a white haired form of Goku. I'm very excited for the final clash of Goku and Jiren.
Btw, where do you think Frieza is?
Im fine thank u , what about you 😃
Yeah it was a really awesome one 😃 it was amazing 😀