Level: 3
member for: 7 years, offline
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43 years old, male
Érsekújvár, Slovakia


S3R6PH plays the following games nowadays (7):

Cyberpunk 2077Red Dead Redemption 2Halo InfiniteResident Evil VillageIcarusPhasmophobiaAliens: Fireteam Elite

S3R6PH is interested in the following games and will play them (7):

Psychonauts 2Bum SimulatorDiablo II: ResurrectedBattlefield 2042Forza Horizon 5F1 2021SAMURAI WARRIORS 5

S3R6PH has already played the following games (8):

Grand Theft Auto VThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntFar Cry 5Battlefield 5Forza Horizon 4Need for Speed HeatAssassin's Creed ValhallaSaints Row: The Third Remastered

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