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Level: 20
member for: 13 years, offline
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52 years old, male


Scyllarus plays the following games nowadays (15):

Quake 4Pro Evolution Soccer 2010World of TanksGrand Theft Auto VForsaken WorldArmored WarfareMount & Blade II: BannerlordVampyrMafia III: Definitive EditionDeliver Us The MoonBaldur's Gate 3Horizon Zero DawnMafia II: Definitive EditionMedieval DynastyTiny Tina's Wonderlands

Scyllarus has already played the following games (16):

Mass EffectHitman ContractsGrand Theft Auto IVWorld Of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich KingStar Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi AcademyMass Effect 2Mount & Blade: WarbandMass Effect 3Hitman: AbsolutionXCOM: Enemy UnknownMass Effect: AndromedaSid Meier's Civilization VICar Mechanic Simulator 2018Assassin's Creed OdysseyDestroy All Humans!Hogwarts Legacy

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