Math is like a subject you have to understand but there are a lot of parts which are so easy. For example permutation. If you wanna go to university, you won't learn secondary school things.
The first 3-4 years are BA (Basic) but it doesn't mean you don't have to know the basic Math.
I don't know it either. 😆 If your math teacher is a douchebag you just accidently fail. 😆
I'll never be proud to myself, but I'm #proudtobeagoulddigger. 😜 😆
Hayley Tumpac a szőke csoki csaj 😆
Ok, I recommend it.
Ja, alap, arra emlékszem. 😆
Here's some music for ya! 😃
The first 3-4 years are BA (Basic) but it doesn't mean you don't have to know the basic Math.
I'll never be proud to myself, but I'm #proudtobeagoulddigger. 😜 😆
Anyway it doesn't make you proud.
I'm level 2, nigga. 😆
I had a math exam two days ago. I didn't learn nothing in the whole summer and I passed with 40%. 😆
btw you haven't lost too many points. You stayed on level 41.. wait.. no.
Meg közben érettségiztem is. 😃
Meg sokan itt is hagyták az oldalt.
Old School Forever! 😃
Na es vannak itt uj arco akikkel beszelsz? 😀
Youtubon munkalkodsz?
5 órája videót vágok, 43 másodperc van kész. 😆
Videót vágok.
@Az Acelember
Így van, visszatértél, mint a Terminator. 😃
you dont said music you like just a music 😆
Not yet.
mert pl a szövegértésem hibátlan lett 😃
Are you ready for a perfect storm ? 😃
Az-az. 😃
I got my red dress on tonight 😆
Igen, angolból emelteztem, meglett az is. 😃
Még nem tudom, mert nagyon sok dolog van kilátásban, szóval erre én sem tudok válaszolni. 😃