Yes. I cant Only £500. 😉
I started to creat my website to the new business. 😀 I don't think so i can finis it. But let's see what's going on. 😜
Oh, man, ur life is quite difficult. 😀 I wish all the best!
I odered a new sofa-bed, lol. At the moment we r sleeping on the matters/floor coz ibhate my previous bed, so i thrown away. 😀 Do u have x-box?
I mean currently there are 2 girls... One of them wants to keep in touch with me, I mean she wants to make a realtionship with me but I don't wanna get her. The other one would be the best choice but she doesn't know that I want her. She has a friend (made of a man 😆😉 but he's not her boyfriend. And I think they're gonna be together... 😕
Ez nem rossz, csak sokan vannak úgy, hogy ismeretlen márkát nem mernek venni, pedig szinte ugyanaz a cucc van benne, mint pl. egy márkásabb telefonban.
Ha értelmes sort állítanak össze, akkor menni fog
Az se jobb, sok sikert! 😃
Én meg 12-én jövök vizsgázni 😕
Mondhatni egy kalappal 😆
Tegnap különdíjas lettem megyei irodalmi pályázaton. 😃
Megyek moziba, meg bowlingozni. Ott? 😃
Tegnap megnéztem a 11.22.63 első részét. Rohadt jó volt. 😃
Látom, Taylor Swift is nyert. Egy zenéjét se ismerem.
Unalom van most. Ott?
Há' mert nincs mit jelölni. Majd jövőre. 😃
Yesterday I was dancing with an Italian girl. 😃
So, what are you doing? 😃
De épp ez az, hogy komplikált a dolog nagyon.
Can I see your website? 😃
I started to creat my website to the new business. 😀 I don't think so i can finis it. But let's see what's going on. 😜
So you're gonna have a new sofa-bed. 😃
Unfortunately not. I've never had a console. 😕
I odered a new sofa-bed, lol. At the moment we r sleeping on the matters/floor coz ibhate my previous bed, so i thrown away. 😀 Do u have x-box?
I mean currently there are 2 girls... One of them wants to keep in touch with me, I mean she wants to make a realtionship with me but I don't wanna get her. The other one would be the best choice but she doesn't know that I want her. She has a friend (made of a man 😆😉 but he's not her boyfriend. And I think they're gonna be together... 😕
Which girl? And what u r don't knw? What u mean?
Anyway, I'm just thinking... of my relationship with a girl. So I don't know anything unfortunately. 😕
Reading the news and what about you? 😃
Persze pontosan azt amit a Kedves Vezér tartott a kezében. 😆