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Level: 4
member for: 11 years, offline
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peti9723 plays the following games nowadays (5):

Star Wars Battlefront (2015)Mad MaxMETAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAINCall of Duty: Black Ops IIIFallout 4

peti9723 is interested in the following games and will play them (37):

Kingdom Under Fire 2DOOM (2016)Hunt: Showdown 1896Cyberpunk 2077Mirror's Edge: CatalystTom Clancy's The DivisionSerious Sam 4Homefront: The RevolutionRise of the Tomb RaiderMass Effect: AndromedaDead Island 2DreadnoughtSpace Hulk: DeathwingMonster Hunter OnlineOutlast 2Just Cause 3Street Fighter VNo Man's SkySniper: Ghost Warrior 3LEGO Marvel's AvengersWarhammer: End Times - VermintideF1 2015Titanfall 2Deus Ex: Mankind DividedNaruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4Need For Speed (2015)Rebel GalaxyShadow Warrior 2Dishonored 2Dark Souls IIIFOR HONORTom Clancy's Ghost Recon WildlandsSouth Park: The Fractured But WholeHitman (2016)Gears of War: Ultimate EditionMafia III: Definitive EditionFar Cry Primal

peti9723 has already played the following games (37):

Grand Theft Auto VMetal Gear Rising: RevengeanceTom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistWatch DogsBattlefield 4Dragon Age: InquisitionAmnesia: A Machine for PigsThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntSaints Row IVCall of Duty: GhostsState of DecayThe Evil WithinNeed For Speed RivalsMortal Kombat (2011)DeadpoolDying LightThe CrewTitanfallInjustice: Gods Among UsSniper Elite 3NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HDMiddle-earth: Shadow of MordorLEGO The HobbitAlien: IsolationBatman: Arkham KnightAssassin's Creed UnityFar Cry 4Call of Duty: Advanced WarfareBattlefield HardlineLEGO Batman 3: Beyond GothamMortal Kombat XNaruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM RevolutionDragon Ball XenoverseKholatAssassin's Creed SyndicateLEGO Jurassic WorldWolfenstein: The Old Blood

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