Level: 17
member for: 15 years, offline
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29 years old, male
Horgos, Kanizsa, Serbia


edward28 plays the following games nowadays (8):

FIFA 08World of Goono coverXIIIPostal 2ClutchFIFA 11Mass Effect 3

edward28 is interested in the following games and will play them (42):

Gears Of WarBlackSite Area 51Devil May Cry 3: Dante's AwakeningThe ClubDevil May Cry 4Freedom FightersResident Evil 4Sniper Eliteno coverDead SpaceDiablo IIIDamnationJust Cause 2Mass Effect 2Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell ConvictionDiRT 2 (Colin McRae)AIONAlpha ProtocolMedal of Honor (2010)Kane & Lynch 2: Dog DaysNinja BladeDead Space 2Nuclear DawnRAGEFINAL FANTASY XIV OnlinePostal 3Dragon Age IITron EvolutionBattlefield 3Duke Nukem ForeverRugby ChallengeDead IslandSpider-Man: Shattered DimensionsL.A. NoireFar Cry 3Jurassic Park: The GameCall of Juarez: The CartelAssassin's Creed: RevelationsWarhammer 40000: Space MarineOrcs Must Die!Alien Zombie MegadeathCities XL 2012

edward28 has already played the following games (38):

Guitar Hero III Legends of RockHalf-Life 2Half-Life 2 Episode OneHalf-Life 2 Episode Twono coverHitman: Blood MoneyTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Diablo IIIron ManDoom 3: Resurrection of Evilno coverHalo: Combat EvolvedFIFA 07Hitman ContractsMirror's EdgeNeed For Speed UndercoverEuro Truck Simulatorno coverNeed For Speed Undergroundno coverPortalCrysis 2Mini NinjasGuitar Hero World TourSingularityLEGO Star Wars III: The Clone WarsBorderlandsno coverCall of Duty: Black OpsHomefrontDiRT 3Saints Row: The Thirdno coverAlien Breed 3: Descentno coverSyndicateRe-VoltBullet Run

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