Level: 1
member for: 13 years, offline
41 ☀
31 years old, female
Miskolc, Hungary


Cica093 plays the following games nowadays (5):

The Sims 3Assassin's Creed IIAssassin's Creed: BrotherhoodPortal 2Fable III

Cica093 is interested in the following games and will play them (5):

PrototypeAlice: Madness ReturnsLEGO Pirates of the CaribbeanMight & Magic Heroes VIAssassin's Creed III

Cica093 has already played the following games (10):

Assassin's CreedTomb Raider AnniversaryNeed For Speed Hot Pursuit 2Tomb Raider: UnderworldFable: The Lost ChaptersTomb Raider LegendPortalPlants vs. ZombiesAssassin's Creed: RevelationsTomb Raider (2013)

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