Level: 41
member for: 14 years, offline
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42 years old, male


KTM520 plays the following games nowadays (20):

GRIDRAGEBattlefield 3The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimGrand Theft Auto VJurassic Park: The GameThe Darkness IICall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Medal of Honor: WarfighterProject CARSEuro Truck Simulator 2Call of Juarez: GunslingerWargame: AirLand BattleTitanfallSniper Elite 3Styx: Master of ShadowsFarming Simulator 15Blitzkrieg 3Farming Simulator 19Forza Horizon 4

KTM520 is interested in the following games and will play them (62):

Arma 3Syberia 3MX vs. ATV ReflexResident Evil 5James Cameron's Avatar: The GameDiRT 2 (Colin McRae)The Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsTom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2Postal 3HomefrontThe Lord of the Rings: War in the NorthThiefA Game of Thrones: GenesisTowerFall AscensionSniper: Ghost Warrior 2SimCity (2013)The Elder Scrolls OnlineMetal Gear Rising: RevengeanceNeed For Speed Most Wanted (2012)Battlefield 4Worms RevolutionCall of Duty: GhostsWorld of WarshipsPlants vs. Zombies: Garden WarfareThe CrewMad MaxDeadfall AdventuresProfessional Farmer 2014Far Cry 4Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond EarthCall of Duty: Advanced WarfareHearts of Iron IVArmored WarfareEmergency 5Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3Wolfenstein: The Old BloodTrainz: A New EratheHunter: PrimalNeed For Speed (2015)Project CARS 2Sébastien Loeb Rally EVOGhost in the Shell: First AssaultFarming Simulator 17Moto Racer 4Serious Sam VR: The Last HopeCossacks 3FrostpunkWarhammer 40000: Space WolfMiddle-earth: Shadow of WarReady or NotWild West OnlineFallout 4 VRValnir RokWater PlanetThunder Tier OneJurassic World EvolutionMarZ: Tactical Base DefenseOffroad Transport SimulatorFarmer's DynastySquad 44DAKAR 18Bugsnax

KTM520 has already played the following games (45):

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of ChernobylBattlefield 2Just Causeno coverTurokTomb Raider AnniversarySpider-Man 3Need For Speed Most WantedS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear SkyFar Cry 2Call of Duty: World at WarMercenaries 2: World in FlamesTomb Raider: UnderworldLegendaryno coverArmA 2no coverS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of PripyatLeft 4 Dead 2Killing FloorBattlefield: Bad Company 2Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell ConvictionCrysis 2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2Aliens vs. Predator (2010)Virtua Tennis 2009Medal of Honor (2010)Need For Speed WorldSniper: Ghost WarriorBatman: Arkham CityArma 2: Operation ArrowheadDiRT 3Farming Simulator 2011Dead IslandL.A. NoireFar Cry 3Aliens: Colonial MarinesF1 2011Virtua Tennis 4DiRT ShowdownAlan WakeCrysis 3MotoGP 15Farming Simulator 22Farming Simulator 25

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