Level: 10
member for: 13 years, offline
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38 years old, male
Nyíregyháza, Hungary


Leon0077 plays the following games nowadays (18):

Max Payne 3Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistCyberpunk 2077Batman: Arkham OriginsMad MaxAlien: IsolationRise of the Tomb RaiderDragon Ball Xenoverse 2DRAGON BALL FighterZDevil May Cry 5Resident Evil 2Dragon Ball Z: KakarotResident Evil 3Resident Evil 4 RemakeFIFA 22Dead Space RemakeMarvel's Spider-Man RemasteredDRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO

Leon0077 has already played the following games (155):

Half-Life 2no coverDevil May Cry 3: Dante's AwakeningMax PayneMax Payne 2: The Fall of Max PayneDevil May Cry 4no coverConstantineResident Evil 4Spider-Man 3Condemned: Criminal OriginsTomb Raider: UnderworldDead SpaceSilent Hill 3Silent Hill Homecomingno coverno coverRed Faction: ArmageddonSpider-Man: Web of ShadowsWanted: Weapons of FateTomb Raider LegendThe Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark AthenaBatman: Arkham AsylumX-Men Origins: WolverineResident Evil 5Resident Evil 6Terminator SalvationMass Effect 2no coverTom Clancy's Splinter Cell ConvictionJames Cameron's Avatar: The GameAliens vs. Predator (2010)Red Faction: GuerrillaDead Rising 2Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith EditionDead Space 2Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future SoldierDeus Ex: Human RevolutionRAGESniper: Ghost WarriorBatman: Arkham CityJames Bond 007: Blood StoneBattlefield 3Dead IslandGrand Theft Auto VAliens: Colonial MarinesHitman: AbsolutionTomb Raider (2013)PAYDAY: The HeistSniper: Ghost Warrior 2Afterfall: InSanityAlan WakeThe PunisherDead Space 3The Amazing Spider-ManSniper Elite V2Metal Gear Rising: RevengeanceDmC: Devil May CrySpec Ops: The LineBattlefield 4Rambo The Video GameRemember MeDead Island RiptideCastlevania: Lords of Shadow 2The Witcher 3: Wild HuntPAYDAY 2The Evil WithinWolfenstein: The New OrderCastlevania: Lords of ShadowDying LightSniper Elite 3Middle-earth: Shadow of MordorThe Amazing Spider-Man 2Batman: Arkham KnightFar Cry 4Call of Duty: Advanced WarfareBattlefield HardlineDead Rising 3Mass Effect: AndromedaDead Island 2Ryse: Son of RomeMETAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAINDragon Ball XenoverseOutlast 2Alone in the Dark: IlluminationSniper: Ghost Warrior 3Wolfenstein: The Old BloodDeus Ex: Mankind DividedGears of War: Ultimate EditionMafia III: Definitive EditionQuantum BreakBattlefield 1Sniper Elite 4Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)Umbrella CorpsDead Rising 4The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special EditionGears of War 4Resident Evil 7 BiohazardBERSERK and the Band of the HawkRed Dead Redemption 2FIFA 18The Evil Within 2Call of Duty: WWIIFar Cry 5Wolfenstein II: The New ColossusMetro ExodusShadow of the Tomb RaiderDevil May Cry HD CollectionThe Beast InsideBattlefield 5Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-teredFIFA 19RAGE 2Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderSekiro: Shadows Die TwiceDying Light 2 Stay HumanGears 5ControlSniper Ghost Warrior ContractsResident Evil VillageSniper Elite 5FIFA 20Call of Duty: Modern WarfareMarvel's AvengersTerminator: ResistanceGod of WarSniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2eFootball PES 2021Gotham KnightsMass Effect Legendary EditionThe Callisto ProtocolDays GoneUNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves CollectionThe ChantAlan Wake RemasteredGhost of TsushimaDragon Ball: The BreakersAlan Wake 2Star Wars Jedi: SurvivorFIFA 23The QuarryMarvel's Spider-Man: Miles MoralesGod of War RagnarökSilent Hill 2 RemakeEA SPORTS FC 24Marvel's Spider-Man 2SAND LANDStar Wars: OutlawsUntil DawnAssassin's Creed ShadowsA Quiet Place: The Road AheadEA SPORTS FC 25NINJA GAIDEN 2 Black

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