Level: 5
member for: 13 years, offline
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Haász Péter (Peti,Péci,PePe,Pöti Danone,Pet)
33 years old, male
Pécs, Hungary


Archangels plays the following games nowadays (17):

Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfarePainkiller OverdoseCrysisDevil May Cry 3: Dante's AwakeningScarfaceJust Cause 2DiRT 2 (Colin McRae)no coverDead Rising 2Fable IIIDungeon DefendersPrototype 2Might & Magic Heroes VIThe Cursed CrusadeEuro Truck Simulator 2Call of Juarez: GunslingerDragon Ball Xenoverse

Archangels is interested in the following games and will play them (82):

DiRT (Colin McRae)Gears Of WarKane & Lynch: Dead Menno coverJust CauseDevil May Cry 4Resident Evil 4TurokIron ManArma 3The Incredible HulkFar Cry 2Call of Duty: World at WarGrand Theft Auto IVLeft 4 DeadFallout 3no coverWarhammer 40000: Dawn of War IIRed Faction: Armageddonno coverDiablo IIIWheelmanBatman: Arkham AsylumResident Evil 5Mafia IITerminator SalvationNeed For Speed Shiftno coverCrysis 2Aliens vs. Predator (2010)Saw: The VideogameMax Payne 3AIONDungeon Siege IIIPainkiller ResurrectionBioShock 2Medal of Honor (2010)Kane & Lynch 2: Dog DaysMetro 2033Need For Speed WorldTransformers: War for CybertronRAGEGrand Theft Auto IV: Episodes from Liberty CityCall of Duty: Black OpsPostal 3Assassin's Creed: BrotherhoodHomefrontno coverDragon Age IIHunted: The Demon's ForgeBattlefield 3Duke Nukem ForeverDriver: San FranciscoRed Orchestra 2: Heroes of StalingradSaints Row: The ThirdFarming Simulator 2011Shift 2 UnleashedKingdoms of Amalur: ReckoningL.A. NoireGrand Theft Auto VAliens: Colonial MarinesResident Evil: RevelationsPainkiller RedemptionNeed For Speed The RunCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3SyndicateStreet Fighter X TekkenCall of Duty: Black Ops IIRemember MeInfinite CrisisWolfenstein: The New OrderShadow WarriorDeadfall AdventuresHow to SurviveSniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2WreckfestMortal Kombat XRollerCoaster Tycoon WorldSleeping Dogs: Definitive EditionZombie Army TrilogyHektorThe Dead Sea is changing

Archangels has already played the following games (18):

BioShockAssassin's CreedFar CryFlatOut 2Alone in the Dark (2008)Need For Speed Most WantedDead SpaceStronghold 3Left 4 Dead 2PrototypeDead Space 2Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)no coverDead IslandHitman: AbsolutionWarhammer 40000: Space MarineSleeping DogsDead Space 3

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