Level: 3
member for: 8 years, offline
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(Szatyi , Gray , Gery)
34 years old, male
Törökszentmiklós, Hungary


szatyika1006 has already played the following games (85):

Unreal Tournament 2004Half-LifeHalf-Life 2Half-Life 2 Episode OneMedal of Honor: AirborneS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of ChernobylHalf-Life 2 Episode TwoBioShockCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareUnreal Tournament 3Team Fortress 2Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasHitman: Blood MoneyMax PayneMax Payne 2: The Fall of Max PayneWarhammer 40000: Dawn of WarWarhammer 40000: Dawn of War - Winter AssaultPrince of Persia: The Sands of TimePrince of Persia: Warrior WithinPrince of Persia: The Two ThronesTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Far CryResident Evil 4Mass EffectFlatOut 2Doom 3Need For Speed Most WantedNeed For Speed CarbonGrand Theft Auto IIIGrand Theft Auto: Vice CityCounter-Strike: SourceF.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault ReconCall of DutyCall of Duty 2The Sims 2Far Cry 2Call of Duty: World at WarS.W.I.N.E.Need For Speed Underground 2Left 4 DeadBeyond Good and EvilDead SpaceNeed For Speed UndergroundFlatOutMedal of Honor: Allied AssaultPrince of Persia 4Worms 3DThe Sims 3F.E.A.R. 2: Project OriginTom Clancy's Rainbow Six VegasWorms ArmageddonMedal of Honor: Pacific AssaultResident Evil 5PortalLeft 4 Dead 2Mass Effect 2Max Payne 3TrineWolfensteinBorderlandsBioShock 2Medal of Honor (2010)Vindictus (Mabinogi Heroes)Dead Space 2Need For Speed WorldPlants vs. ZombiesF.E.A.R. 3Portal 2Alice: Madness ReturnsWorms ReloadedDriver: San FranciscoTrine 2: Complete StoryFar Cry 3BioShock InfiniteTomb Raider (2013)Borderlands 2Dead Space 3PainkillerTom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistI Am AliveBlade & SoulWorms 2The CrewBorderlands: The Pre-SequelThe Final Station

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