Level: 64
member for: 9 years, offline
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the Forgotten Biohazard ☣
28 years old, male
north side 16 ☢, Algeria


AlyesRock plays the following games nowadays (6):

DeadpoolDying LightAssassin's Creed SyndicateLayers of FearResident Evil 7 BiohazardResident Evil 2

AlyesRock is interested in the following games and will play them (31):

Freedom FightersJust Cause 2WolfensteinNinja BladeAmnesia: The Dark DescentHunted: The Demon's ForgeL.A. NoireBioShock InfiniteDishonoredNeverwinterDead Space 3Battlefield 4Blacklight: RetributionProject CARSDragon Age: InquisitionSMITEPlants vs. Zombies: Garden WarfareAlien: IsolationThe Vanishing of Ethan CarterLucius II: The ProphecyDeus Ex: Mankind DividedFallout 4AragamiFar Cry PrimalLIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIIIAgonyINSIDEThrough the WoodsPC Building SimulatorResident Evil VillageDays Gone

AlyesRock has already played the following games (67):

Half-Life 2 Episode OneHalf-Life 2 Episode TwoResident Evil 4Alone in the Dark (2008)Halo: Combat EvolvedGrand Theft Auto IVFallout 3Brothers in Arms: Earned in BloodPrince of Persia 4Red Faction: ArmageddonResident Evil 5Resident Evil 6Mafia IILeft 4 Dead 2Crysis 2DiRT 2 (Colin McRae)BlurPrince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsDarksidersCall of Duty: Black OpsBatman: Arkham CityAssassin's Creed: BrotherhoodBattlefield 3The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VResident Evil: Operation Raccoon CityNeed For Speed The RunAssassin's Creed: RevelationsCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Tomb Raider (2013)Darksiders IICounter-Strike 2Pro Evolution Soccer 2012Alan WakeAssassin's Creed IIICall of Duty: Black Ops IIAlan Wake's American NightmareNeed For Speed Most Wanted (2012)Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntSniper Elite: Nazi Zombie ArmyAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagFar Cry 3 Blood DragonCall of Duty: GhostsState of DecayThe Evil WithinNeed For Speed RivalsMurdered Soul SuspectMad MaxFIFA 14OutlastSniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2Assassin's Creed: Liberation HDBound by FlameAssassin's Creed UnityBatman: Arkham Origins BlackgateKilling Floor 2FIFA 15Rise of the Tomb RaiderLife is StrangeCounter-Strike Nexon: StudioAssassin's Creed RoguePro Evolution Soccer 2015DiRT RallyPro Evolution Soccer 2016Battlefield 1

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