Level: 32
member for: 10 years, offline
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30 years old, male
Debrecen, Hungary


Kida23 plays the following games nowadays (1):

Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Kida23 is interested in the following games and will play them (24):

Beyond Good and Evil 2The Elder Scrolls VIMETAL GEAR SURVIVELife is Strange 2Past CureLEFT ALIVEFableTwin MirrorMortal Kombat 11Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2Assassin's Creed ValhallaNioh 2God of WarSherlock Holmes Chapter OneAvowedBlack Myth: WukongStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic RemakeThe Witcher IVSilent Hill 2 RemakeStar Wars: OutlawsIndiana Jones and the Great CircleDRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZEROAssassin's Creed ShadowsLife is Strange: Double Exposure

Kida23 has already played the following games (235):

CrysisGrand Theft Auto: San AndreasHitman: Blood MoneyMax PaynePrince of Persia: The Sands of TimePrince of Persia: Warrior WithinPrince of Persia: The Two ThronesDevil May Cry 4Far CryMass EffectMirror's EdgeGrand Theft Auto IVBeyond Good and EvilHitman 2: Silent AssassinPrince of Persia 4The Witcher: Enhanced EditionStar Wars Battlefront (2015)Arcania: Gothic 4Batman: Arkham AsylumResident Evil 5Resident Evil 6Mafia IIPrototypeJust Cause 2Mass Effect 2Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell ConvictionCrysis 2Max Payne 3Dragon Age: OriginsThe Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsDead Rising 2Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith EditionDead Space 2Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2DOOM (2016)Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsDeus Ex: Human RevolutionRAGEDragon Age: Origins AwakeningF.E.A.R. 3Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes from Liberty CityBatman: Arkham CityDragon Age IIBattlefield 3Mass Effect 3Kingdoms of Amalur: ReckoningThe Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimPrototype 2L.A. NoireFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VThiefBioShock InfinitePrey (2017)Hitman: AbsolutionTomb Raider (2013)Darksiders IIDishonoredSyndicateAlan WakeSleeping DogsBorderlands 2Medal of Honor: WarfighterAssassin's Creed IIIBinary DomainCrysis 3Dead Space 3Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistDmC: Devil May CryWatch DogsBattlefield 4I Am AliveBlade & SoulRemember MeDragon Age: InquisitionCyberpunk 2077Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2The Witcher 3: Wild HuntAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the ShadowsBatman: Arkham OriginsCall of Duty: GhostsState of DecayThe Evil WithinSherlock Holmes: Crimes & PunishmentsNeed For Speed RivalsDeadpoolMurdered Soul SuspectDying LightMad MaxMirror's Edge: CatalystOutlastTom Clancy's The DivisionLords of the FallenNARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HDMiddle-earth: Shadow of MordorGame of Thrones - A Telltale Games SeriesTales from the BorderlandsAlien: IsolationThe Amazing Spider-Man 2Batman: Arkham KnightBound by FlameAssassin's Creed UnityFar Cry 4Call of Duty: Advanced WarfareHomefront: The RevolutionMortal Kombat XDead Rising 3Rise of the Tomb RaiderMass Effect: AndromedaDead Island 2Dreamfall ChaptersRyse: Son of RomeNaruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM RevolutionMETAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAINLife is StrangeFINAL FANTASY XIIIDragon Ball XenoverseWatch Dogs 2Sleeping Dogs: Definitive EditionThe Legend of KorraOutlast 2Kingdom Come: DeliveranceJust Cause 3FINAL FANTASY XIII-2Assassin's Creed SyndicateHellblade: Senua's SacrificeDead or Alive 5 Last RoundResident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2Deus Ex: Mankind DividedThe TechnomancerNaruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4D4: Dark Dreams Don't DieFallout 4Tales of ZestiriaDishonored 2Dark Souls IIIFOR HONORTom Clancy's Ghost Recon WildlandsHitman (2016)Shenmue IIIVampyrThe DwarvesMafia III: Definitive EditionDragon's Dogma: Dark ArisenFar Cry PrimalSherlock Holmes: The Devil's DaughterLIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIIIBatman - The Telltale SeriesTales of BerseriaShiness: The Lightning KingdomBattlefield 1NightCry1979 Revolution: Black FridayAttack on Titan - Wings of FreedomFINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD RemasterStar Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)Sid Meier's Civilization VIDragon Ball Xenoverse 2Outcast - Second ContactGears of War 4State of Decay 2We Happy FewResident Evil 7 BiohazardGOD EATER 2 Rage BurstNieR: AutomataRed Dead Redemption 2LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the FateboundsMarvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale SeriesNi no Kuni II: Revenant KingdomMiddle-earth: Shadow of WarFINAL FANTASY XVAssassin's Creed​ OriginsThe Evil Within 2Secret World LegendsNARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKERCode VeinDarksiders IIIFar Cry 5ExtinctionDRAGON BALL FighterZA Way OutAnthemShadow of the Tomb RaiderBatman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale SeriesSWORD ART ONLINE: Fatal BulletNioh: Complete EditionDevil May Cry 5MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICEBLACK CLOVER: QUARTET KNIGHTSThe CouncilMutant Year Zero: Road to EdenShenmue I & IIAssassin's Creed OdysseyHitman 2Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderSekiro: Shadows Die TwiceDying Light 2 Stay HumanJump ForceDOOM EternalTales of Vesperia: Definitive EditionTHE QUIET MANYakuza KiwamiYakuza 0Resident Evil 2RESONANCE OF FATE/END OF ETERNITY 4K/HD EDITIONBaldur's Gate 3Assassin's Creed III RemasteredDetroit: Become HumanHeavy RainYakuza Kiwami 2Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon BreakpointCall of Duty: Modern WarfareMarvel's AvengersWatch Dogs: LegionDarksiders GenesisTales of AriseGhostWire: TokyoDeathloopDeath StrandingResident Evil 3Horizon Zero DawnResident Evil 4 RemakeMafia: Definitive EditionStrayIcarusManor LordsGenshin ImpactHogwarts LegacyDays GoneUNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves CollectionMarvel's Guardians of the GalaxyGhost of TsushimaStar Wars Jedi: SurvivorMarvel's Spider-Man Remastered

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