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sizzpreme is interested in the following games and will play them (28):

Cyberpunk 2077Atomic HeartWitchfireDragon Age: The VeilguardPath of Exile 2AvowedSuicide Squad: Kill the Justice LeagueBlack Myth: WukongFINAL FANTASY XVIHogwarts LegacyAvatar: Frontiers of PandoraAlan Wake 2GreedFall II: The Dying WorldDragon's Dogma 2FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTHThe First DescendantHi-Fi RUSHMarvel's Spider-Man 2Prince of Persia: The Lost CrownStar Wars: OutlawsNo Rest for the WickedIndiana Jones and the Great CircleThe Rogue Prince of PersiaDelta ForceLike a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in HawaiiHorizon Zero Dawn RemasteredSplit FictionNINJA GAIDEN 2 Black

sizzpreme has already played the following games (746):

Need For Speed ProStreetThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivionno coverFord Racing 3Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareGears Of WarCrysisGrand Theft Auto: San AndreasPenumbra: Black PlagueAssassin's CreedPrince of Persia: The Sands of TimePrince of Persia: Warrior WithinPrince of Persia: The Two ThronesTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Devil May Cry 4Dark Messiah of Might and MagicStar Wars BattlefrontFlatOut 2Doom 3Need For Speed CarbonGrand Theft Auto IIIGrand Theft Auto: Vice CityCondemned: Criminal OriginsWALL-ESoldier of FortuneFIFA 07Call of Duty 2The Sims 2Crysis WarheadCall of Duty: World at WarPenumbra: OverturePenumbra: RequiemMirror's EdgeGrand Theft Auto IVLEGO BatmanPureWorld Of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich KingReturn to Castle WolfensteinDead SpacePostal 2Silent Hill HomecomingStar Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi AcademyPrince of Persia 4A MesterlövészThe Sims 3Dark SectorTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegasno coverThe Witcher: Enhanced EditionTrackMania Nations ForeverQuake III ArenaHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1Star Wars Battlefront (2015)no coverno coverHarry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanTom Clancy's H.A.W.Xnail'dno coverArcania: Gothic 4Batman: Arkham AsylumJames Bond 007: NightfireStreet Fighter IVResident Evil 6Mafia IILeft 4 Dead 2Killing FloorPrototypeThe SaboteurMass Effect 2Battlefield: Bad Company 2Crysis 2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2James Cameron's Avatar: The GameAssassin's Creed IIAliens vs. Predator (2010)DiRT 2 (Colin McRae)FUELMax Payne 3TrineCall of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the EarthFIFA 10AIONno coverFIFA 11Singularityno coverDuke Nukem 3D Atomic EditionThe Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsDuke Nukem Manhattan ProjectBorderlandsDead Rising 2Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith EditionTorchlightMedal of Honor (2010)BlurSplit / SecondKane & Lynch 2: Dog DaysNinja BladeVindictus (Mabinogi Heroes)Dead Space 2Metro 2033Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six SiegeLEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4BulletstormShankDOOM (2016)Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsToy Story 3: The Video GameTom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future SoldierDeus Ex: Human RevolutionRAGERed Dead RedemptionFINAL FANTASY XIV OnlineF.E.A.R. 3DarksidersSniper: Ghost WarriorAmnesia: The Dark Descentno coverCall of Duty: Black OpsAPB: All Points BulletinBrinkSonic GenerationsBatman: Arkham CityDC Universe OnlineAssassin's Creed: BrotherhoodHomefrontNeed For Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)Portal 2no coverAlien SwarmAlice: Madness ReturnsFable IIIDiRT 3Tron EvolutionHunted: The Demon's ForgeBattlefield 3From DustDuke Nukem ForeverRIFTDriver: San FranciscoHunt: Showdown 1896Mass Effect 3Trine 2: Complete StoryHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2Saints Row: The ThirdTorchlight 2TERADead IslandThe Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimPrototype 2L.A. NoireThe First TemplarFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VAliens: Colonial MarinesResident Evil: RevelationsThiefBioShock InfinitePrey (2017)WarpRisen 2: Dark WatersResident Evil: Operation Raccoon CityThe Darkness IINeed For Speed The RunAssassin's Creed: RevelationsHitman: AbsolutionCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon PhantomsTomb Raider (2013)Serious Sam 3 BFEDarksiders IIMetro: Last LightForsaken WorldDishonoredLimboPlanetSide 2LEGO RacersGotham City ImpostorsWarhammer 40000: Space MarineHard ResetSyndicateSniper: Ghost Warrior 2Afterfall: InSanityTribes: AscendDiRT ShowdownAlan WakeLEGO Batman 2: DC Super HeroesStreet Fighter X TekkenRe-VoltMinecraftSleeping DogsRayman OriginsDota 2Dear EstherBorderlands 2Medal of Honor: WarfighterAssassin's Creed IIIXCOM: Enemy UnknownThe Testament of Sherlock HolmesThe Walking DeadBinary DomainThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingDeep Black: ReloadedCall of Duty: Black Ops IIDark Souls (Prepare to Die Edition)Crysis 3Lost Planet 3Dead Space 3The Amazing Spider-ManSniper Elite V2Alan Wake's American NightmareMad RidersDefianceOf Orcs and MenMetal Gear Rising: RevengeanceLEGO The Lord of the RingsNeed For Speed Most Wanted (2012)Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistDmC: Devil May CryAmong the SleepWarfaceWatch Dogsno coverSpec Ops: The LineMU Onlineno coverBlades of TimeBattlefield 4Phantasy Star Online 2 New GenesisBlacklight: RetributionWRC 3Transformers: Fall of CybertronInversionGRID 2I Am AliveThe Incredible Adventures of Van HelsingFirefallTrials Evolution Gold EditionMetal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesPainkiller Hell & DamnationBlade & SoulHawkenRemember MeDead Island RiptideAnnaAngry Birds (series)no coverWarframeWorms RevolutionDragon Age: InquisitionSMITEDoom 3: BFG EditionDeadlightAmnesia: A Machine for PigsSlender: The Eight PagesDementium IILeague of LegendsCastlevania: Lords of Shadow 2Blood KnightsThe Walking Dead: Survival InstinctPath of ExileWolcen: Lords of MayhemThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntSlender: The ArrivalBrutal LegendSniper Elite: Nazi Zombie ArmyAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagEleusisno coverTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the ShadowsSanctum 2Saints Row IVPAYDAY 2Call of Juarez: GunslingerContrastBatman: Arkham OriginsMonaco: What's Yours Is MineFar Cry 3 Blood DragonCall of Duty: GhostsThe Evil WithinThe Bureau: XCOM DeclassifiedSherlock Holmes: Crimes & PunishmentsThe Sims 4Wolfenstein: The New OrderCry of FearNeighbours From HellNeed For Speed RivalsMortal Kombat (2011)Shadow WarriorNeighbours From Hell 2: On VacationDeadpoolMurdered Soul SuspectCastlevania: Lords of ShadowDying LightDaylightThe CrewTitanfallMad MaxMirror's Edge: CatalystDark Souls IISerious Sam IIOutlastTom Clancy's The DivisionParanormalMarlow BriggsInjustice: Gods Among UsLords of the FallenNARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HDWRC 4Dead Island EpidemicNo More Room in HellSOMAMiddle-earth: Shadow of MordorLichdom: BattlemageThe Lion KingVectorAssassin's Creed: Liberation HDGET EVENAlien: IsolationEnemy FrontThe Amazing Spider-Man 2Transformers: Rise of the Dark SparkThe PlanBatman: Arkham KnightEvolveSerious Sam 4The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing IIYaiba: Ninja Gaiden ZAssassin's Creed UnityFar Cry 4Batman: Arkham Origins BlackgateKiller is Dead - Nightmare EditionBorderlands: The Pre-SequelGRID AutosportRise of IncarnatesS4 LeagueDivinity: Original SinCall of Duty: Advanced WarfareKilling Floor 2DreadOutBombshellNarcosisFIFA 15FortniteSurvariumBattlefield HardlineDYNASTY WARRIORS 8Homefront: The RevolutionMortal Kombat XStyx: Master of ShadowsThe Vanishing of Ethan CarterOri and the Blind ForestRise of the Tomb RaiderMass Effect: AndromedaDead Island 2ABZUNosgothUnturnedMetro 2033 ReduxMetro: Last Light ReduxMind: Path to ThalamusBroforceRyse: Son of RomeNaruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM RevolutionMETAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAINFINAL FANTASY XIIIWatch Dogs 2Sleeping Dogs: Definitive EditionAssassin's Creed RogueHatredOutlast 2Just Cause 3KholatStreet Fighter VNo Man's SkyAssassin's Creed SyndicateLords of the Fallen (2023)Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3Hellblade: Senua's SacrificeHarry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneHektorResident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2Trine 3: The Artifacts of PowerWolfenstein: The Old BloodTitanfall 2Metin2ArcheAgeAssassin's Creed Chronicles: ChinaDeus Ex: Mankind DividedCall of Duty: Black Ops IIINaruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First SinDiRT RallyNeed For Speed (2015)HomesickShadow Warrior 2Dishonored 2Dark Souls IIIUnravelFOR HONORTom Clancy's Ghost Recon WildlandsHitman (2016)CupheadGears of War: Ultimate EditionVampyrThe Town of LightAncestors: The Humankind OdysseyMafia III: Definitive EditionThe ParkDivinity: Original Sin 2Layers of FearFar Cry PrimalBlack DesertParagonThe ClimbAssassin's Creed Chronicles: IndiaAssassin's Creed Chronicles: RussiaReCoreElea - Episode 1Quantum BreakCall of CthulhuBattlefield 1The SurgeThe Works of MercyCall of Duty: Black Ops Cold WarEverybody's Gone to the RaptureAttack on Titan - Wings of FreedomSpacelordsCall of Duty: Infinite WarfareHuskStar Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)AgonyDeadlight: Director's CutFIFA 17Styx: Shards of DarknessAgents of MayhemGWENT: The Witcher Card GameGears of War 4INSIDETEKKEN 7We Happy FewCrackdown 3ObserverSteepResident Evil 7 BiohazardBERSERK and the Band of the HawkScornRiders of IcarusBattleriteVikings - Wolves of MidgardNieR: AutomataLittle NightmaresECHOCall of Duty: Modern Warfare RemasteredBulletstorm: Full Clip EditionDestiny 2The Sinking CityWerewolf: The Apocalypse - EarthbloodFIFA 18GreedFallCOLINA: LegacyMiddle-earth: Shadow of WarBorderlands 3FINAL FANTASY XVThe StationNo70: Eye of BasirParanormal Activity: The Lost SoulVisageAssassin's Creed​ OriginsThe Evil Within 2BayonettaCall of Duty: WWIIDarksiders IIIVanquishFar Cry 5Master X MasterNeed for Speed PaybackWolfenstein II: The New ColossusA Way OutAnthemOri and the Will of the WispsMetro ExodusDishonored: Death of the OutsiderTransferenceA Plague Tale: InnocenceShadow of the Tomb RaiderKURSKPast CureHome Sweet HomeLust for DarknessBIOMUTANTClose to the SunImmortal: UnchainedLoco ParentisInflictionNioh: Complete EditionRemothered: Tormented FathersHollowMonster Energy Supercross - The Official VideogameELYONDevil May Cry 5Raji: An Ancient EpicFade to SilenceWorld War ZThe CouncilDARK SOULS: REMASTEREDThe Surge 2Diablo IVBeat SaberThe Beast InsideBattlefield 5UnholyCall of Duty: Black Ops 4Tom Clancy's The Division 2Discovery Tour by Assassin's Creed: Ancient EgyptFIFA 19ChernobyliteRAGE 2Assassin's Creed OdysseyGray DawnHitman 2Unravel TwoStar Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderSea of SolitudeHalo InfiniteSekiro: Shadows Die TwiceDying Light 2 Stay HumanGears 5Jump ForceGears TacticsDOOM EternalWolfenstein: YoungbloodTHE QUIET MANYakuza KiwamiYakuza 0ControlResident Evil 2Remnant: From the AshesDevil's HuntThe Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of MedanThronebreaker: The Witcher TalesRing of ElysiumBaldur's Gate 3ObservationAssassin's Creed III RemasteredTrine 4: The Nightmare PrinceMonster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2Layers of Fear 2Sunset OverdriveDraugenBioShock RemasteredApsulov: End of GodsDreadOut 2Far Cry New DawnThe Outer WorldsMortal Kombat 11JourneySUCCUBUSDevotionSilver ChainsWounded - The BeginningResident Evil VillageApex LegendsCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign RemasteredBeyond: Two SoulsDetroit: Become HumanHeavy RainThe Lord of the Rings: GollumYakuza Kiwami 2Borderlands Game of the Year EnhancedOri and the Blind Forest: Definitive EditionTom Clancy's Ghost Recon BreakpointCall of Duty: Modern WarfareMarvel's AvengersWatch Dogs: LegionOutridersDarksiders GenesisBleeding EdgeELDEN RINGBlair WitchGhostWire: TokyoDeathloopRoller ChampionsImmortals Fenyx RisingNeed for Speed HeatDeath StrandingGhostrunnerSYNCEDLittle Nightmares IIRemothered: Broken PorcelainResident Evil ResistanceTerminator: ResistanceVampire: The Masquerade - SwansongAssassin's Creed ValhallaResident Evil 3The Outlast TrialsA Plague Tale: RequiemHorizon Zero DawnSenua's Saga: Hellblade IIGodfallFINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADEGamedecNioh 2Samurai Jack: Battle Through TimeAmnesia: RebirthCall of Duty: WarzoneGod of WarNieR ReplicantMortal ShellObserver: System ReduxResident Evil 4 RemakeCrysis RemasteredYakuza: Like a DragonBright Memory: InfiniteChorusThe AscentThe MediumScarlet NexusSecond ExtinctionMafia: Definitive EditionMafia II: Definitive EditionSaints RowKingdoms of Amalur: Re-ReckoningHitman 3StrayMetal: HellsingerKena: Bridge of SpiritsIt Takes TwoSteelrisingFar Cry 6Gotham KnightsThe Dark Pictures Anthology: Little HopeUnknown 9: AwakeningAmong UsGenshin ImpactNeighbours back From HellThe Dark Pictures Anthology: House of AshesBattlefield 2042Mass Effect Legendary EditionEvil WestThe Callisto ProtocolF.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow TorchYakuza 5 RemasteredYakuza 6: The Song of LifeCentury: Age of AshesThe InvincibleYakuza 3 RemasteredYakuza 4 RemasteredDays GoneAliens: Fireteam EliteDemon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - The Hinokami ChroniclesNecromunda: Hired GunForspokenThymesiaSwords of Legends OnlineGhostrunner 2Lies of PCrysis 2 RemasteredHorizon Forbidden WestUNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves CollectionCrysis 3 RemasteredPaliaTiny Tina's WonderlandsLost ArkVampire: The Masquerade - BloodhuntThe ChantScars AboveGungrave G.O.R.E.Trek to YomiWorld War Z: AftermathSoulsticeRedfallMarvel's Guardians of the GalaxySTRANGER OF PARADISE: FINAL FANTASY ORIGINRoboCop: Rogue CityThe Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in MeXDefiantDead Space RemakeCall of Duty: VanguardAlan Wake RemasteredOutcast - A New BeginningWanted: DeadGhost of TsushimaSong of Nunu: A League of Legends StoryWarhammer 40000: Space Marine 2The Texas Chain Saw MassacreStar Wars Jedi: SurvivorSerious Sam: Siberian MayhemCall of Duty: Warzone 2.0ExoprimalVALKYRIE ELYSIUMThe QuarryFlintlock: The Siege of DawnDiablo ImmortalAsterigos: Curse of the StarsCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022)ReturnalMarvel's Spider-Man RemasteredMarvel's Spider-Man: Miles MoralesThe Last of Us Part IFort SolisLayers of Fear (2023)Wo Long: Fallen DynastyCRISIS CORE: FINAL FANTASY VII REUNIONGod of War RagnarökAssassin's Creed MirageSherlock Holmes: The Awakened RemakeAlone in the DarkAtlas FallenTHE FINALSJudgmentLost JudgmentLike a Dragon: Ishin!WILD HEARTSNeed for Speed UnboundSilent Hill 2 RemakeAmnesia: The BunkerRemnant IICrime Boss: Rockay CityBanishers: Ghosts of New EdenARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICONImmortals of AveumThe ThaumaturgeTrine 5: A Clockwork ConspiracyMortal Kombat 1Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023)Ratchet & Clank: Rift ApartTHRONE AND LIBERTYLike a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His NameStill Wakes the DeepLike a Dragon: Infinite WealthSMITE 2Until DawnBrothers: A Tale of Two Sons RemakeCall of Duty: Black Ops 6Marvel RivalsTales of Kenzera: ZAUINDIKADYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINSKunitsu-Gami: Path of the GoddessEnotria: The Last SongThe Casting of Frank StoneNobody Wants to Die

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